Saturday, December 15, 2012

Funny Conversation!

There will be 2 blobs in this conversation. This conversation is like in book #3!
Blob #1                                                            blob #2
Blob #1 and Blob #2 were making a 1 000 piece puzzle. here is the puzzle.

Blob 1: This looks like a good puzzle! Lets make it!
Blob 2: OK. 
1 hour later
Blob 1: How many pieces have you got done, Blob 2?
 Blob 2: None. Could you pass me the piece with the little white dots and the black background?
Blob 1: Which one? there is 1 000 pieces in this puzzle. Wait... I GOT A PIECE! FINALLY! Make that 998 pieces.
Blob 2: That one.
Blob 1: What one?

imgres.jpgWarning: This conversation got SO boring Eve and Amara decided to END THIS POST NOW. 

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